View of mountain range with tiny hiker in the foreground

Avaya and WEEE Compliance

With the rapidly expanding use of electrical and electronic products globally, and the resulting growth in e-waste, more and more jurisdictions are enacting WEEE regulations. Avaya closely monitors such developing WEEE legislation and complies with applicable regulations. We also join approved compliance organizations to ensure our collection and recycling obligations are met.

What is WEEE?

WEEE is Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (also known as e-waste).  WEEE regulations, typically passed at a country, state, or provincial level, promote the reuse and recycling of electrical and electronic equipment, reducing resource consumption and the amount of e-waste going to landfills. WEEE rules on treating waste electrical and electronic equipment contribute to sustainable production and consumption. Requirements of WEEE regulations include, among others, financing the collection, treatment, recovery, and environmentally sound disposal of WEEE.

Recycling worker discussing over digital tablet with coworker while holding plastic box full of old mother boards.

WEEE Compliance

Avaya has contracted with SIMS RECYCLING SOLUTIONS INC. (SIMS) to support end of life management of our own e-waste equipment on a global basis and partners with SIMS to provide environmentally sound recycling to customers wanting to dispose of Avaya products that have reached their end of useful life.

Improving the collection, treatment and recycling of electrical and electronic equipment (EEE) at the end of their life can:

  • Improve sustainable production and consumption
  • Increase resource efficiency
  • Contribute to the circular economy

Avaya’s General WEEE Position Statement

Electrical and electronic equipment (EEE) and batteries contain materials, components, and substances that may be hazardous and present a risk to human health and the environment when waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) and batteries are not handled correctly.

Avaya Batteries and Electronic Equipment are marked with the crossed-out wheelie bin. This symbol indicates that waste electrical and electronic or battery equipment should not be discarded together with unseparated municipal waste but instead must be collected separately.

The chemical symbols indicated on the batteries demonstrate that the chemical is present in that battery:

  • Hg – Mercury
  • Cd – Cadmium
  • Pb – Lead

As a consumer, you have an important role in recycling electrical and electronic equipment and contributing to the protection of the environment by recycling product at end of life.

When providing products back to Avaya for end-of-life treatment, the end user is responsible for removing all personal data. Professional disassemblers / recyclers should refer to Product Disassembly and End of Life.

WEEE Symbol

Contact Your Avaya WEEE Representative

Please contact your Avaya Representative or the following associates for region-specific information regarding where and how product take-back processes work: