Avaya and Privacy
How to Contact Us

Avaya Global Privacy Office

Email: dataprivacy@avaya.com

Postal  Address:  Avaya  UK,  Building  1000,
 Cathedral  Square,  Cathedral  Hill,  Guildford,
Surrey  GU2  7YL,  United  Kingdom


Click here for additional contact details. 


CCPA and Avaya


Avaya gives necessary rights to Avaya customers so they can be in a control of personal information entrusted to Avaya for processing.


What is CCPA?
Does CCPA Apply to Avaya?
What is Avaya Doing to Help its Customers to Comply With CCPA?
Does Avaya Sell Personal Information?
Further Information


What is CCPA?

The California Consumer Privacy Act (“CCPA”) requires certain companies to disclose their “personal information” handling practices. It also gives California residents new rights, such as the right to know what personal information companies handle, to delete personal information, and to opt out of the “sale” of personal information.   


Does CCPA Apply to Avaya?

Avaya is a “service provider” under the CCPA when we handle California consumer information on behalf of our business customers. Although our business customers are primarily responsible for complying with most CCPA obligations, Avaya is committed to the privacy and security of the personal information we handle. We are also committed to helping our customers comply with the CCPA through leading edge technology and cloud solutions that enhance privacy, as well as cloud solutions that aim to deliver both security and privacy.


What is Avaya Doing to Help its Customers Comply With CCPA?

Avaya has taken many steps to enable its customers to be CCPA-compliant when relying on Avaya solutions:

  • Contractual Commitment to Privacy – Data Processing Addendum

Customers who are subject to the CCPA can execute Avaya’s Data Processing Addendum (“DPA”). To complete the DPA, simply provide your name and email address in the link and follow the instructions to complete the DocuSign signing process (after which you will receive a copy of the executed DPA). Please refer to our Website Privacy Statement and DocuSign Privacy Statement for more information. If you have any questions, you may contact Avaya’s Global Privacy Office at dataprivacy@avaya.com.

  • Security 

Data security is a top priority for Avaya, just as it is for Avaya customers. Avaya has highly skilled professionals to help secure data, whether related to Avaya remote maintenance solutions, our cloud offerings, or to any other solutions where Avaya processes data.

  • Data Protection by Design and Default

Avaya’s portfolio of on premises and cloud-based solutions have embedded technology features that enable its customers to meet privacy by design and default requirements. Furthermore, Avaya is here to advise on your individual settings and to work with your team to make sure you are able to use our solutions in the most privacy-enhancing ways. Further information related to the privacy and security controls is available in the applicable Product Privacy Statement (instructions on how to locate it are provided on our Privacy Within Our Products page).

  • Assistance With Fulfilling Consumer Rights Requests

Avaya provides appropriate technical and organizational measures (including privacy features embedded within Avaya solutions) to help our customers fulfill consumer CCPA requests. More information is available in the applicable Product Privacy Statement (instructions on how to locate it are provided on our Privacy Within Our Products page). 


Does Avaya Sell Personal Information to Third Parties?

No, Avaya does not sell Personal Information about consumers under the CCPA.


Further Information

If you have any questions with respect to Avaya and CCPA or need support for your personal information handling activities, you may contact your local Avaya representative or reach out directly to Avaya’s Global Privacy Office.

Revised: March 2021.